Cancer immunotherapy has revolutionized the way we approach cancer treatment. It harnesses the body’s immune system to fight cancer cells, offering a more targeted and less invasive alternative to traditional therapies. Dr. Joydeep Ghosh, known for the best immunotherapy cancer treatment in Kolkata, is at the forefront of these advancements. Let’s explore the latest breakthroughs in this exciting field from his desk.

What is Cancer Immunotherapy?

Cancer immunotherapy involves stimulating the immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. Unlike chemotherapy and radiation, which directly target cancer cells but can harm healthy cells, immunotherapy boosts the body’s natural defences, providing a more precise approach.

Types of Immunotherapy

Checkpoint Inhibitors

Checkpoint inhibitors are a significant advancement in cancer immunotherapy. They block proteins that prevent the immune system from attacking cancer cells. Drugs like pembrolizumab (Keytruda) and nivolumab (Opdivo) have shown remarkable success in treating various cancers, including melanoma, lung cancer and bladder cancer.

CAR T-Cell Therapy

Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy is another ground-breaking treatment. It involves modifying a patient’s T-cells to recognize and attack cancer cells. This therapy has shown great promise in treating certain types of leukaemia and lymphoma. The personalized nature of CAR T-cell therapy makes it a powerful tool in the fight against cancer.

Cancer Vaccines

Cancer vaccines are designed to prevent or treat existing cancer by strengthening the body’s immune response against cancer cells. The HPV vaccine is a well-known preventive vaccine, while therapeutic vaccines like sipuleucel-T (Provenge) are used to treat prostate cancer.

Oncolytic Virus Therapy

Oncolytic virus therapy uses genetically modified viruses to infect and kill cancer cells. These viruses can also stimulate an immune response against the cancer. Talimogene laherparepvec (T-VEC) is an example of an oncolytic virus approved for the treatment of melanoma.

Benefits of Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy offers several benefits over traditional cancer treatments:

  1. Targeted Action: It specifically targets cancer cells, reducing damage to healthy cells.
  2. Fewer Side Effects: Patients often experience fewer and less severe side effects than chemotherapy and radiation.
  3. Long-lasting Results: Immunotherapy can provide lasting protection against cancer by “training” the immune system to recognize and remember cancer cells.

Immunotherapy Cancer Treatment in Kolkata

Dr. Joydeep Ghosh offers, the best immunotherapy cancer treatment in Kolkata, is leveraging these advancements to provide personalized patient care. His expertise and dedication to staying at the cutting edge of cancer treatment ensure that patients receive the most effective therapies.

The Future of Immunotherapy

The future of cancer immunotherapy looks promising, with ongoing research and clinical trials exploring new ways to enhance its effectiveness. Combination therapies, where immunotherapy is used alongside other treatments, show great potential. Researchers are also identifying new biomarkers to predict better which patients will benefit most from immunotherapy.


Cancer immunotherapy represents a significant leap forward in cancer treatment. With advancements like checkpoint inhibitors, CAR T-cell therapy, cancer vaccines, and oncolytic virus therapy, patients have more options than ever. Dr. Joydeep Ghosh continues to provide the best immunotherapy cancer treatment in Kolkata, offering hope and improved outcomes for cancer patients.